Hope Primary School
Curriculum Intent
In our Federation, we want the way we deliver the curriculum to promote a love of lifelong learning. We want our children to develop a questioning mind, a willingness to explore and to have fun whilst learning. We use the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the National Curriculum starting points for wide and varied learning experiences. We enrich them with a strong focus on vocabulary development and empowering our children to feel like ‘historians’, ‘musicians’ ‘artists and the like. We use our incredible location to our benefit as well as specialist teachers who offer opportunities beyond the National Curriculum: specifically outdoor learning, mindfulness and Tai chi .We invite in visitors and plan educational trips, which motivate and enthuse the children to enjoy their learning and see themselves as learners wherever they go. We are committed to developing the whole child. Our children will have the opportunity to work together, to be creative, to be physically active, to be academically challenged and to leave our schools prepared for the next phase of their learning.
Our curriculum evolves according to the needs and interests of our children and to the aspirations of the staff, parents, carers and the whole school community. It is devised with our mixed-age classes in mind with a ‘subject-based’ approach so that knowledge and skills build progressively and coherently year-on-year and do not get lost in a more topic based curricular design. We aim to celebrate the achievements of all our pupils and offer aspirational targets regardless of starting points. Our strong focus on SMSC is woven into every subject’s medium and short-term planning and is at the heart of every staff members approach in both schools.