Hope Primary School
Hope Primary School Outdoor Learning sessions are planned and delivered by free-lance Forest School and Wilderness Therapeutic Practitioner Ruth Dixon, using a play-based and child-led approach to weekly activities. Ruth uses elements of the Forest School ethos alongside seasonal and wildlife themes which support the children in making a deeper connection with their natural surroundings and each other. Our Wild Space Hope Primary is very lucky to have an extensive outdoor space situated at the rear of the school building. Over the last few years Ruth and the children have worked hard to develop and ‘rewild’ a carefully selected corner of the school field, which has become a wonderful haven for wildlife as well as an engaging and therapeutic space for the children to play and learn together. Over the years the children have planted many trees, including an orchard, several mixed broadleaf trees and a hedgerow which creates a natural perimeter around our wild area. The children have also helped to add a small pond, logpile and other insect habitats, wild flower meadow areas, put up bird boxes and a bird feeding station and even created a small ‘hedgehog highway’ gap in the fence and a cosy hibernaculum. They are encouraged to take care of our special ‘wild space’ throughout the seasons by watering and mulching around the young tree saplings, collecting the apple harvest, planting wildflower bulbs and seeds, improving insect habitats and taking care to keep the bird feeders full of seed.
Outdoor Learning this term
Year 1 Puffins will be having an Outdoor Learning session with Ruth on the school field every Tuesday morning for the whole of the Autumn term (up until Christmas). Could they arrive at school in their kit and bring uniform in a bag to change into at the end of the session? First session Tuesday 10th September.
Reception Puffins will be having Outdoor Learning with Ruth on the school field every Tuesday afternoon for the whole year. Please could they bring outdoor clothes to change into before their session? They will then finish the day in their outdoor clothes and bring their school uniform home with them in a bag. First session Tuesday 10th September.